Monday, August 4, 2008

Acne treatment skin care and facial acne scar removal

New classes of combined topical therapies are being tried, such as clindamycin-tretinoin and adapalene-benzoyl peroxide while a profile of effectiveness greater than traditional options. Another newly approved agent is Dapsone gel. Oral dapsone is a sulphonamide with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, and a topical formulation has been found to help particularly with inflammatory acne lesions.
The problem is one which will affect many youngsters as they reach the age of around 12 and upwards to around their mid twenties for some demented souls, all a part of the great growing up process. Massive hormonal changes are under way in your body, as you prepare for adulthood, which of course includes preparing your body to have intimate relations with the opposite sex. Unfortunately this process is often almost thwarted by the unsightly but usually non life-threatening onset of acne. It is not selective - acne can affect both sexes - although it usually hits boys harder than girls, as far more hormonal changes seem to take place in their bodies. Of course girls do have the added advantage of the application of make-up, so many a young lady has gone out on a nervous first date with a pimple cleverly disguised beneath skin blemish cover!
Although benzoyl peroxide works well, it is possible you may have a reaction, it is suggested that any benzoyl peroxide skin care product should not contain the active ingredient at more than 5.5 percent. You might have to try a few different creams or lotions before you find the acne skin care product that is effective for you're skin. If nothing you try seems to work, you should contact a dermatologist.
tags: if i do number 2 will my acne go away, best acne scar removal even, zinc supplement acne foundation

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